Sunday, November 15, 2020

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

When you need some shattered blue glass for something you are working on:

  1. Real hammer. The nut hammer will not work. 
  2. Wear safety glasses, gloves. 
  3. Try to remember to do it outside in a rusty old bucket with leftover dried sunflower dream petals in the bottom.  


 This is where this creation is so far. I need some glue. Gorilla glue will do, I think.

Yup, gorilla glue is what I need now.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

At work in the chart room. Can you tell that I’m smiling?

Goatherd clearing brush in Fremont-Udistrict borderlands. Yesterday.

For those who remember and those who do not

One of the fiddle players in this vid is Bobby Boatright. The baby faced guy with chubby cheeks. Mr Boatright was my algebra teacher for three years at CHHS, however he was known for sneaking in some trig, calculus and some weird hoodoo math that I never knew the name of. I think he made it up.  I somehow got bumped to his group. 

He colonized my mind with the graphed equations that still plague me when I get interested in a beautiful woman.  I can still hear him in my head saying “Trigg, if you’d do your homework you’d ace this class.” 
For three solid years I went to class every day, mostly daydreamed, did no homework and got good solid Cs because I always passed the quizzes and he did not grade homework. I saw no reason to do the homework if it did not count in my grade. I had already started dickering with the Time Bank. I’m not a bit sorry. I love those Cs. I am still proud of them.

It's 0333

My alarm has rotating music. This just woke me up! I’m getting up early today because I have a Latin footwork fundamentals class at 1100 which means early early to the hospital for rocket rounds! That Thing floating above the one person's body, in the other person's face is an Icosahedron. 

The Icosahedron is one of the five Platonic solids Platonic Shape. Sacred Geometry. Remember that.